Friday, January 1, 2010

Ringing in the New Year

We played some great games this evening to ring in the new year. For those of you who have played iMAgiNiff, below is the last question asked (ended the game and 2009) fitting:

iMAgiNiff _________ accidentally emitted an unpleasant anti-social noise at a dinner party. What would he do?
  1. Say nothing and blush brightly
  2. Apologize
  3. Laugh and repeat the offense (louder if possible)
  4. Blame the person sitting next to him
  5. Try to re-produce the sound by shifting in his seat
  6. Carry on as if nothing happened
Of course, this question was randomly assigned to ........ yes you guessed it, Bren!!
hahahaha we all just about died laughing...laughing to the point of tears rolling down our faces. What a great way to ring in the new year!

Happy New Year!!!